Through the woof: A $6 million dog park
Sourced By: Scottsdale Progress
Even as it maintains a five-star reputation with booming resorts, high-end construction projects, generally clean streets and a relatively low crime rate, Scottsdale is going to the dogs.
Evidence: Scores of eateries welcome four-leggers. According to, “There are 140 pet friendly restaurants in Scottsdale that welcome dogs at their outdoor tables.”
Evidence: The planned Legacy North Apartments at Crossroads luxury complex features a dog park for new apartments/condos – and multiple “dog wash stations.”
Evidence: A $6 million dog park that can safely be called one of Mayor David Ortega’s pet projects.
"Scottsdale is a top dog community, recognized for plenty of open spaces, shaded walkways and pet- friendly merchants – frequented by our four-legged companions,” Ortega said.
Voters authorized the northern Scottsdale dog park – then estimated at a cost of $4.6 million – as part of a 58-project bond package in 2019.
Post-pandemic inflation has rocketed the cost of most of those project estimates.
The Thompson Peak dog park now must sit and beg for an estimated $6 million.
Asked if he directed staff to look at lower-cost alternatives or more-economical locations, Ortega said that at the planned Thompson Peak dog park, “most of the costs are for drainage, parking and shading amenities, which would be applicable elsewhere, but lacking three elements … visibility, access and parking.”
Councilman Barry Graham – who voted against tax and water-rate increases and has questioned increases of other projects – seems to have no bone to pick with a $6 million dog park.
He noted this is a voter-approved project.
“The city should prioritize the 3.5-acre dog park and extra parking that residents voted for in 2019,” Graham said.
“However, the city's original estimate of $4.6 million has shot up to $6.2 million —a 33% increase. To deliver on more voter-approved bond projects, the city should reconsider its other spending on discretionary projects and programs.”
These days, it costs money just to figure out how much money you’re going to pay.
At a Monday, Aug. 21, meeting that ends its summer break, Scottsdale City Council will be asked to authorize $56,793 to Valley Rain Construction for “pre-construction services.”
Erin Walsh, a city spokeswoman, said the construction company would then come up with a “guaranteed maximum price.”
Unlike many seven-figure construction projects, this one is not likely to go out for bidding.
“There are no plans to bid the dog park,” Walsh said. “The city put out a request for qualifications for a construction manager at risk and Valley Rain was selected.
“At this time the contractor is being brought on to assist the design team with estimating the cost of the project and looking at what materials have a long-range timeline for ordering, so construction is not delayed by materials.
“Any action beyond this will go back to the council such as making funds available to order long-lead materials or the award of the construction contract and guaranteed maximum price.”
Asked how the $4.6 million price tag for the project that voters approved was derived, Walsh said an “in-house estimate” came up with a figure that included $2.9 million for actual construction.
Since then, Walsh added, the project’s estimate increased by $1.5 million “to accommodate inflation increases of construction materials.”
The new price tag, at just under $6.2 million, includes $757,469 for design, $328,250 for administration, $52,938 for public art and $4.2 million for construction – with $841,634 held for “contingency.”
The dog park will be added to Thompson Peak Park, near the intersection of Hayden Road and Thompson Peak Parkway.
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